A juvenile crime is any unlawful act committed by a person under the age of 18. These crimes may be more common than people realize, and there are many different types, including street crimes, cybercrimes, and sex crimes.
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In the United States, there are a number of criminal offenses that can be classified as juvenile crimes. These might include aggravated assault, murder, arson, resisting arrest, drug-related crimes, and more. Though these offenses might be committed by those who are still considered teenagers or children, this should not diminish the severity of the crime. If you or any of your loved ones have been accused of a crime and are under 18 years of age, it is essential you get an experienced criminal defense lawyer from the League City office.
What are the Consequences of Juvenile Crimes?
Juvenile crimes are significantly different from adult crimes because of the many consequences they have on the perpetrator’s life. One consequence is that juvenile crimes can have an effect on the future, for example, being barred from voting or holding public office when they reach 18 years old. Juveniles are also more likely to face parental punishment after committing a crime rather than criminal punishment in jail.
In addition to the physical consequences of these crimes, there are psychological as well as social consequences as well. For instance, some juveniles may not be able to obtain a job because they have been convicted of a felony offense.
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The consequences of juvenile crimes differ depending on the severity and type of crime committed. For instance, a first-time offender may be required to do community service and complete a group therapy program. Juveniles who commit more severe crimes such as murder or theft could be incarcerated for years. The psychological effects of juvenile crimes can last long after the sentence has been served.
How Can an Attorney Help You in Juvenile Crimes?
It is difficult to imagine a more frightening and defining experience than being accused of a crime, especially if the crime is one involving juveniles. However, having an attorney can help ease some of the fear and anxiety associated with juvenile crimes. They will be able to help you navigate the legal system during such a difficult time but also to reassure you that you are not alone in facing such allegations.
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