BPSC is the acronym for the Bihar PSC examination, and this is one amongst the most reputed state-level civil services examinations conducted for the recruitment of multiple posts like rural development officer, sub divisional officer and PCS level officers. The syllabus will be perfectly set by the Bihar PSC and the prelims and mains syllabus will be very much different. The commission is constitutionally incorporated to assist the Bihar state government in the matters of recruitment, transfer and disciplinary areas so that everything can be planned out very successfully.
If the candidates clear the prelims, they can have access to the mains and clearing of this will be leading them to the final stage which will be the interview of the examination. BYJU’S Exam Prep helps in your preparation for the BPSC exam through online test series, online courses and more!
BPSC Prelims Exam Pattern
- The premium examination will be including the objective paper for 150 marks and mains will be having four papers and the interview will be having 120 marks.
- The duration of the prelims will be two hours and candidates need to clear every stage to be fully eligible for the very next stage.
- The prelims will be qualifying in terms of nature and basically, this will be used in terms of cleaning out the non-serious candidates.
- All the people who will be qualifying for the prelims examination will be called for the means and marks in the prelims will never be taken into consideration for the ultimate merit list. Click here blogradiovn.com to get top news all over the world and you can also check out this site rdxnet.biz for getting more info.
BPSC Prelims Syllabus
The BPSC syllabus for prelim examinations will be of General Studies of 150 marks and duration will be two hours. The syllabus has been explained as follows:
- General Science: It will be including the topic from general science and other associated topics with general awareness
- Current affairs: Events of national and international importance so that people have a clarity of national topicsRead more about: theblogspost ,Visit more here: infominutes
- Geography and history of Bihar and India: History of Bihar as well as India to ensure that everyone will be good in terms of basics. Geographical area insights of Bihar to be clear about geographical area related things
- Indian Politics and Indian Economy: Indian politics, economy, and other associated things. Changes of the economy of Bihar post the independence period to ensure a good hold over the basic things in the history
- Contribution of Bihar in National Movement: Indian national movement as well as the role of Bihar in the whole process.
- General Mental Ability: This is to test the general mental ability of the candidates so that everybody will be able to solve different kinds of problems in the real life without any kind of doubt.
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Points to Note for BPSC Prelims Exam
Some of the very basic points to be remembered by people in this particular case are explained as follows:
- The marks obtained will be considered for qualifying the candidates for this main examinations
- There will be no chance of any kind of marking negative in the BPSC prelims exam
- This particular examination will be based upon screening in terms of nature
- Candidates necessarily require to score the minimum marks set by the concerned commission for qualifying for the main examination
- All the asked questions will be set in Hindi and English except for the questions that are to be meant for testing the English knowledge in terms of candidates.Click here:topwebs
The syllabus of this particular examination will be covering very broad aspects of economics, history, national movement, general science, politics and several other kinds of areas so that people can clear it in the very first attempt very successfully. Hence, having a clear idea about all the above-mentioned points and the current affairs is very much advisable for the candidates appearing for the BPSC prelims exam so that they can clear it very easily.
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